Why King Kong Sucks

Just because Peter Jackson attempted to make a remake off a classic monster film named King Kong, it doesn’t mean we won’t say it sucks. It features the typical ‘damsel in distress’ who King Kong happens to have a bond with...

Firstly, the film seems to rely too much on its actors. But just because we have some well-known stars starring in the film, it doesn’t make the film any better. King Kong seems to show more charisma and emotion than the characters, especially in the scenes that makes no sense.

On ‘Skull Island’, the crew also encounters dinosaurs. In an unrealistic scene, many dinosaurs end up stampeding down a narrow hill and yet so many of the crew survive! If this scene was more realistic, everyone would be dead! This scene also ends up being around five minutes long, so imagine running for five minutes being chased by dinosaurs. You wouldn't get out alive!

Like the pesky little humans, King Kong seems invincible too (he’s just an oversized gorilla). He wrestles 3 T-Rexs at once, smashes buildings up without a bruise and gets shot at a couple of times until he feels it.

If people just gave him that banana, he probably wouldn’t have gone on a rampage.

But why does the film want to make us feel sympathy when King Kong dies? He causes so much havoc around the country it’s unbelievable. Sure, King Kong did have feelings, but this does not make him adorable. Crying over his death is like crying over a dead velociraptor in Jurassic Park who tried to eat everyone.

The major flaw in the film is when King Kong is finally captured and needs to be sent from this island to America. But how the Hell does he get there? No one explains it and it’s like the film just skips a whole scene! King Kong’s transportation cannot be real because:

  • The crew has no contact with the outside world and a sea circles them too
  • The small crew cannot lift King Kong 
  • The ship crashed into rocks
  • The crew’s ship cannot support King Kong or it would sink
  • The drug that knocks out King Kong would eventually wear off and King Kong would return being a nuisance
  • There are other dangers on the island the crew would have to take care of on their way back
  • No one explains how the transport is made

Clearly, this movie sucks.

If we were to watch this movie again, or watch a gorilla having a toilet… we’d watch the gorilla.
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  1. Mate how can you not feel sympathy for the kong people show up, shoot him up, drug him, put him on display, fuck with his mind, and end up killing him and dropping him of the tallest building there....

    Atleast this time they made him to be what he is a wild animal not a bad monster

    He didnt ask for this shit

  2. I'm glad that you're a King Kong hater like I am. You're right that Kong's having feelings doesn't make him adorable. And so, I'd never cry over his death. Instead, I'd cheer because of what he did to those reptiles, which are my favorite kinds of animals. Specifically, dinos are my fave reptiles of all, with my personal favorite being Tyrannosaurus.

    About that dead Velociraptor, I'd feel sorry for it even it wanted to kill me due to my favoritism for reptiles over mammals. But it doesn't mean that I'd want it to take my life. Besides, it doesn't know as well as Kong, although I wish that it does.


  4. Perhaps if you'd try to focus more on the positive sides of the movie, instead of the negatives, you'd appreciate it more. Because the thing is, people searching for negatives will always find some. Just watch a movie and treat it like one. It's not a freaking real life documentary. Who gives a fuck how they got him off the island? They just did! How can he survive so many bullets? Because maybe you wouldn't have a movie with King Kong being killed by the first shot he takes?!

    Try seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. Probably you'll enjoy your life a bit more.


Thanks for commenting. Now go and watch some sucky films ;)