Why Hard Ride To Hell Sucks

Hard Ride To Hell? With sucky reviews already, you can expect this film to take you to Hell. It’s an unrelenting place of suffering we experienced whilst watching this film.

The plot is basically about some immortal devil-worshipping bikers who want to do a ritual sacrifice so the Anti-Christ can be born from a female’s womb. A group of family/friends come across them and experience a trip they end up regretting. There’s a ‘magical’ amulet involved, and we only see it in the beginning and the end where it summons up good to destroy evil. But it doesn’t do much anyway except blast out little beams of light...

Green beams of light can kill a immortal cannibal? Fail
As you may be thinking, the plot is ludicrous.

And like all the other typical horrors, there’s no phone signal.

Moving on, the devil-worshippers end up putting our main characters through misery. The kids however, are quite indestructible. The leading hunky character walks on glass with socks, yet (unrealistically) bleeds a lot and he’s also stabbed in the chest and carries on walking till the end of the film. The cool black character has his whole arm chopped off and yet still lives for ages, and sarcastically says,

“Can someone tie up my arm before I bleed to death?”

He eventually gets hooked in the leg and flung out of a moving caravan in the hilarious chase scene.

Our characters are just stupid, and even when the woman becomes possessed by the demon who magically impregnates her, the hunky character asks her,

“What did those b*stards do to you?”

He saw the devil-worshippers throughout the ritual and he says this after she makes her eyes red. What’s more, is that at the end he’s completely ignorant to the fact his impregnated wife is acting demonic once she delivers a baby! He’s clearly a buffoon.

The ending isn't even scary either. But like the characters, the plot and the pointless amulet, this film sucks.
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