Why Harry Potter Sucks

The Harry Potter saga started off with a young boy named Harry Potter who goes on a large adventure. As the world is on the look out for ‘Lord Voldemort’, the only thing on Voldemort's mind is to destroy the life of a little kid who has barely gone through puberty.

If Voldemort wasn't so busy trying to destroy the life of young Harry then imagine how far he would get in destroying both human and muggle worlds.

Even more, why can Voldemort kill so many people yet fail to kill a baby? It’s even more unrealistic because over the course of seven tedious books, Voldemort and his minions still can’t kill a simple boy! What's more, is that Harry is always looking for danger. He trespasses, he duels, he goes on secret missions, he has grudges and he is always in the limelight!

Muggle weapons are far more effective. Wizards barely die. Fact. They should use guns.

But even when Harry Potter nearly does die (which is more than a hundred escapes now), he gets saved! His luck is absolutely astonishing, compared to all the other wizards and muggles who die without a fight. Even Dobby dies by chance inside a portal, where any character could have got hit! But noo… the poor innocent elf gets it and Harry survives.

When we finally get to the big fighting scene between both Harry and Voldemort in different areas of Hogwarts, they eventually crash into the courtyard in which Voldemort can be killed thanks to Neville Longbottom. Imagine if Neville weren’t there, the consequences would be disastrous.

Another reason why the saga is disgraceful is that Dumbledore is never straight to the point! Maybe if he just made things clear instead of making peoples lives a living Hell, things would be much easier for everyone. Clearly, Dumbledore knows a lot of things.

Even when Harry Potter ends up dying, Dumbledore STILL takes ages to tell him things. This is probably why Dumbledore is probably the most annoying character of all. He’s slow, he’s boring and he’s barely there. Perhaps that’s why Rowling tried to spice him up by saying he was a gay.

Just when things couldn’t get anymore annoying, Voldemort grows into a human-like form in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And surpringly, he still can’t conjure himself up a nose.

There are also some things that don’t really make sense:
  • So many people in the Harry Potter universe die and turn into ghosts. But many don’t
  • Harry survives the Avada Kedavra curse in the last film, yet many don’t
  • Why don't wizards just use the Avada Kedavra curse all the time? Even death eaters don't use it, but rely on stupid amateur spells like 'Expelliarmus' that kids are taught in first grade
  • Why did Lily end up marrying James? We end up finding out that James was a total douche
  • No-one uses the toilet
Harry Potter is a copied idea?

Many critics have accused the Harry Potter saga to be borrowed from other films and ideas, such as magic and wizardry. However, one film called Troll raises a lot of speculation. Troll is a cult dark fantasy film that was made in 1986. Surprisingly, the film has characters is based on magic and contains characters called Harry Potter Jr. and Harry Potter Sr.

And this is why Harry Potter sucks...
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  1. Harry potter is not copied! And every fantasy is goons to be way different!
    Now shut up!


Thanks for commenting. Now go and watch some sucky films ;)